Understanding Animals


People say that animals cant understand us, that's true, but the only thing they don't understand are our words, but they understand the feelings in our words and our eyes, they can read our mind. So don't stop talking to your pets!

Animals can't talk, nor we can understand exactly what they are saying. But you know what? We can guess what they are trying to say by listening to the voice and looking at their body language.

For that of course, we need a to research very deeply on the body language of the animal you are communicating with.

You guys must've heard of animal whisperers, most animals trust these people and they can kinda 'understand' animals. Not that they can have proper conversations

There's something known as telepathic, in which you can actually get thoughts of your pet in your mind and you can send thoughts in their minds too...its actually real and it happens, and we can do it with some practice.

But that's the difficult part, the easiest way of understanding animals is:

1. Body language

2. Voice

I have a cockatiel, when he is chirping, I check his crest, tail, wings and all that, also the ups and downs of his voice, I'm practicing of understanding his chirps and knowing what he is trying to say or at least what he wants. 

For example today I observed him while he was chirping. 

Voice: Bright and high

crest: lengthened to full height 

wings: normal

He was excited probably because of the voices of the wild parrots, I found out

You can do it like that too with your pet

Once I was feeding him some treats and he suddenly stopped, and I just knew he was scared because he heard the jungle babblers because the sound of jungle babblers means a Cat or a kite is nearby, how did I know? I'm not sure

Its like that, sometimes you 'just know' why your pet is doing this or that, we usually ignore it because we don't believe in such things! 

These messages are called psychics, and believe me or not, we all pet owners have received them at least once! 

Isn't this so cool? we can actually communicate with our pets, and actually become an animal whisperer! its not a gift, sometimes some people find it easy to be psychic with their pets while some find it harder, either way I'm gonna try this all!

First of all, you need to understand your pet's voice and body language, and when you are fluent in it, get ready for the harder aspect

Things you need:

The animal you've been bonding with

Your mind in a calm state, free of any tension or negative aspects

  1. Rest your hands on your heart and breathe gently in and out.
  2. Once you are feeling relaxed in your body, drop your attention down to your heart and feel your love for your animal or the animal you wish to connect with.
  3. Express your heart’s love to the animal, which you can also visualize as a soft beam of light connecting you to them.
  4. Silently or vocally ask the animal for permission to communicate with them.
  5. If you don’t feel or sense any resistance, start expressing yourself to them and be open to anything you receive in return. Keep it light at the beginning and progress to deeper enquiry as you increase trust and confidence   
Because these days I'm learning the body language of star, i haven't tried this yet, but Im going to for sure!

And you know guys, I think I might be an half animal whisperer, why? let me tell you

1. My mamo's pet turtle came close to me every time I meet him
2. I felt a deep connection with a dog I once fed
3. almost all cats trust me and I can understand them, like not what they are actually saying but what they want and if they want to play, and they also follow me around
4. Wild birds follow me, a barbet once followed me to my house, and a Robin and me would meet daily and he would stay close, also birds have flown near me a lots of times
5. i can understand them, you know by hearing my pets' voices I know what they want, or what they might be trying to say
6. I have dozens of animal friends like almost 10

I just need to that psychic thingy and I would be full animal whisperer! isn't that like SOOO cool and amazing!!!!!!!

But remember guys, understanding your pet needs patience, your pet and you to be calm, and the place you are sitting in to be calm






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