bismillah, This all started when wolves were reintroduced in the yellow stone national park in the year 1995. Now we all know that wolves kill various species of animals, but perhaps we do not know that they give life to many others. Before the wolves turned up, they had been absent for 70 years. The number of deer, because there was nothing to hunt them, had built up and built up in the Yellowstone park despite the efforts of the humans to control them (E.g. by hunting them). They'd managed to graze the vegetation there to almost nothing, B ut when the wolves arrived, even though they were few in numbers, started to have the most remarkable effects. First of course, they killed some of the deer, but the amazing thing is that they changed the behaviour of the deer (how?). The deer started avoiding certain parts of the park- the places were they could be easily trapped, particularly the valley and the gorges. And when that happened, those places started regenerating almost imme